Good morning Ames Home Builders Association members, and Happy 2024!
Warm greetings on the tail end of the frigid polar vortex! Your AHBA Board of Directors and I would like to take a moment of your time to update you on plans and priorities for this year, point you to resources that can assist with your business, and discuss ways you can get involved. But first, a brief introduction.
My name is Dylan Kline, this year’s president of the Ames Home Builders Association. As Business Development Director with the Ames Chamber and Economic Development Commission, I work to attract high quality businesses to Story and Boone counties and to support our existing industries to continue to grow and be successful in our region. I am the Economic Development liaison to the City of Ames, and work closely with the city manager’s office and city staff to support and encourage growth in our market. Before this role, I managed new home construction and remodeling projects with Integrity Construction for nearly 10 years.
As a board, we greatly appreciate your membership and the investment you make time and dollars to support the efforts of this organization. This organization exists for you, and we want to make sure you receive the best return on your investment. To that end, in 2024 our board focus will be on Value. Whether it is a social event, educational opportunity, advocacy at the local, state, or national level, or the resources available to you to support and grow your business, we want your participation in the AHBA to make a meaningful difference in the way you do business. Below is a brief rundown of upcoming events, ways to get involved, and resources for your day-to-day.
Upcoming Events:
The 2024 calendar of events is filling quickly with educational opportunities, networking events, social gatherings, and more. Click to see the full calendar of events and sign up today by emailing Stacy Woodward at ameshomebuilders@msn.com. Upcoming events include Lunch n Learns, a basketball watch party, whiskey tasting and an evening membership meeting. More details on each event will be emailed to you, as well as posted to our website.
Looking for deeper involvement? Participation in a committee is an excellent way to help steer the direction of the organization. Committees for 2024 are listed below. If you are interested in getting involved, contact Stacy Woodward at ameshomebuilders@msn.com.
Membership Engagement
Events & Education
Workforce Development
Last year we partnered with WorkinAmes.com to refresh the job board on our website. You can post open positions directly to the site with a free account, and review resumes of job-seekers in the area.
Thank you again for your continued support of the Ames Home Builders Association. If you have ideas on what could make this organization even better, we want to hear from you. Email me at dylan@ameschamber.com, call me at 515.520.4306, or grab me at an upcoming event.
Excited for 2024!
Dylan Kline
2024 AHBA President